Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in India
lun 04 mar
The main style proposed is Vinyasa Yoga, a fluid and dynamic style, but also very meditative and profound. The themes flow within the positions, capturing the symbols and meanings, therefore acting on the body, the mind and the emotions of the practitioner.

Orario & Sede
04 mar 2024, 08:00 – 31 mar 2024, 17:30
Mumbai, Govardhan Ecovillage, H.No. 586, Galtare, Taluka, P.O. Hamrapur, Wada, Galtare, Maharashtra 421303, India
Info sull'evento
Cintamani Yoga is a school recognized by the Yoga Alliance and Csen. We offer certificates recognized on a national and international level for Yoga instructors.
Just like a touchstone, Cintamani transforms anything it touches into gold; this school is oriented towards developing the individual's potential, transforming the heart in its precious essence.
The main style proposed is Vinyasa Yoga, a fluid and dynamic style, but also very meditative and profound. The themes flow within the positions, capturing the symbols and meanings, therefore acting on the body, the mind and the emotions of the practitioner.
Cintamani is a school which aims to adhere to the seriousness of the yoga tradition. The instructors aim to follow the principles of this practice, in such a way as to provide exemplary teaching. The course is organized for students who wish to:
• Become highly-qualified yoga instructors.
• Set up their own yoga school or their own holistic activity.
• Experience total immersion from ancient yoga up to modern yoga.
• Improve their own knowledge in the physical, mental and spiritual domains.
Intensive teacher training
4th - 31th March 2024
Almost one month intensive yoga teacher training course in a sacred place in India: Govardhan Eco Village in Mumbai.
This is one of the most beautiful spiritual community related to the Bhakti tradition in the whole world.
The place vibrates with intense power and sacredness and thus which place could be best to learn the science of yoga?
At Govardhan Ecovillage you lose yourself into the labyrinths of your innermost self using the time honoured snaps of Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation.
Standard program
8.00 - 9.15 Asana Yoga Practice
9.15 Breakfast
10.00 - 12.45 Theory Lessons
13.00 Lunch
14.30 - 17.30 Practical and Theory Lessons
17.30 - 18.45 Transformation Experiences
19.45 Dinner
Possible excursions and activities apart from the program.
Sunday is a day off.
10 ore 30 minutiPranayama
10 ore 30 minutiKriya